Tag Archives: garbage site

The Heart of Mongolia

I was in Ulaanbataar, Mongolia, a few months ago for a pastor’s conference.  We had a great time meeting the leaders of the Mongolian churches and appreciated their excitement about and dedication to learning about ministering to children.

On the third day of the conference, the president of my organization opened the day’s sessions with a story about visiting the local trash dump the day before.  He had seen men, women and children there, who were all desperately struggling to survive.  They actually lived in the dump and made their living by collecting and organizing recyclable materials.  Before our president finished speaking, he had the entire room in tears.

Later that day, one of the leaders of the conference announced that they had made a decision.  No one felt that they could enjoy their dinner that evening knowing that so many of Mongolians were starving in that terrible place.  They had all agreed that they would fast that evening and ask the kitchen to box up their dinners so that they could take them to the people at the dump site.

I was privileged to be allowed to witness their act of love, and I’ll share with you some of the photos from that day.  (To preserve the dignity of those living in the dump, I’m excluding pictures that show faces.)

Church leaders taking their dinners to the people living in the dump site

Church Leaders taking their dinners to the people in the dump site

Church Leaders taking their dinners to the people in the dump site

First exposure for some of us

First exposure for some of us

Resident of the dump site

Resident of the dump site

Talking with the people

Talking with the people

Dump trucks bringing garbage and taking recycling materials

Dump trucks bringing garbage and taking recycling materials

Dangerous environment

Dangerous environment

One of the many children we met

One of the many children we met

Animal carcasses

Animal carcasses

Praying for some of the residents

Praying for some of the residents

Taking a break to enjoy the meal

Taking a break to enjoy the meal

A hard life

A hard life

Houses built by the residents of the dump site

Houses built by the residents of the dump site

Getting to know the people

Getting to know the people

Sharing dinner

Sharing dinner

Praying for a woman

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Filed under agape love, Caring for the Poor, christianity, evangelism, grace, Interpersonal, love, Relationships, Religion, Service, Serving Others, Spirituality, unconditional love