Free Copy of My Book

My book on sexual purity is available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle version.

However, if you would like a free copy, you can view this file (which will allow you to save a copy and to print it if you like):

Build Your Walls! Guard Your Gates!

Or, you can email me, and I will send it to you electronically as a pdf.  Please contact me at:

If you would like the study guide, you can download this file:

Build Your Walls Study Guide

9 responses to “Free Copy of My Book

  1. Blake Porter


    Send me your book and you can go download my NEW book for FREE at

    Now that’s a trade-off. Look forward to reading you work.

    -Evangelist Blake Porter

  2. I would be willing to trade books with you as well…you can email me at

  3. IDA

    Dear Sir,

    This blog is very good. “build ur walls, guard ur gates” very inspiring title. How did u come up with this?

    God bless u. Continue in His ministry.



    Thanks, Ida! The title came from lots of lessons God was teaching me over several years. He showed me Scriptures that showed how important it was to have spiritual walls to protect us against the Enemy and what happens when we neglect to guard our ear, eye and mouth gates.

    I appreciate the feedback!


  4. I have no book to offer, but God bless you, all that I write I will post on The Shepherd’s Journal.

  5. Love

    I was so dissatisfied and distressed in my spirit, having been ‘strong’ for 5 days. Then I began to seek God’s help and intervention. Suddenly a thought just flash through my heart to do a quick
    study on’ Dealing With Spiritual Gates’ that’s how I got to know about Who’s guarding your gate and other write up. Good work pls keep it up. I got satisfied.

  6. I am at the very start to set myself apart unto the Lord for seven days and I found your website. I am believing for the restoration of all the 10 gates in my life. Thank you so very much for all your instruction

  7. Elijah

    thanks so much, God Be With You All The Way In This Motivational Journey, Bless!

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